Dane Demo Farms Podcast
Dane Demo Farms is a network of farmers that demonstrate and research leading edge conservation practices that improve water quality and soil health throughout Dane County by reducing nutrients and sediment from entering our waters and building healthy soils. This podcast offers insights from farmers, academic experts, agronomists, and various professionals who will discuss a range of topics pertaining to conservation practices that safeguard the precious soil and water of Dane County.
Visit our website for more information: https://demofarms.danecounty.gov/
Dane Demo Farms Podcast
Grazing Cover Crops with Karl Sime and Marie Raboin
Karl Sime of Sime Farms, located near Stoughton, WI, will share information on how he utilizes cover crops for grazing his beef cows. Karl continually strives to improve his management of cover crops for grazing and harvested forage while also growing a grain crop on the same acres within the same cropping year. This method requires flexibility on the part of the farm, but ultimately can lead to time savings as the cows play a significant role in the harvesting of feed and distribution of manure.
Marie Raboin, a Conservation Specialist with Dane County Land Conservation, will be discussing the economic aspects of Karl's system. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from Karl and Marie on the benefits of grazing cover crops.
Resources referred to in this podcast:
- Practical Farmers of Iowa, Grazing Cover Crops Farmer Toolkit, https://practicalfarmers.org/grazing-cover-crops-farmer-toolkit/
Local resources for cover crops:
- University of Wisconsin, Integrated Pest and Crop Management, Cover Crops, https://ipcm.wisc.edu/covercrops/
Dane Demo Farms and Bruce and Karl Sime:
- https://demofarms.danecounty.gov/Sime