Dane Demo Farms Podcast
Dane Demo Farms is a network of farmers that demonstrate and research leading edge conservation practices that improve water quality and soil health throughout Dane County by reducing nutrients and sediment from entering our waters and building healthy soils. This podcast offers insights from farmers, academic experts, agronomists, and various professionals who will discuss a range of topics pertaining to conservation practices that safeguard the precious soil and water of Dane County.
Visit our website for more information: https://demofarms.danecounty.gov/
Dane Demo Farms Podcast
No-Till Alfalfa Seeding into Winter Rye with Jeff Endres
Jeff Endres of Endres Berryridge Farms near Waunakee, WI, shares his experience with no-till alfalfa seeding into winter rye. The Endres' have been exploring the concept of planting green in their alfalfa seeding process. Over the past several years, they have successfully implemented a no-till seeding method for alfalfa into winter rye. This method has resulted in a decrease in herbicide use on newly seeded acres and has demonstrated effective erosion control, even during significant storm events in the spring.
Local resources for no-till alfalfa:
- https://demofarms.danecounty.gov/Case-Studies
Yahara Pride Farms:
- www.yaharapridefarms.org
Dane Demo Farms and Endres Berryridge Farms
- https://demofarms.danecounty.gov/Endres